Jodie Thorne

Para Equestrian Dressage Rider

Tauranga, New Zealand


Latest News

Horse of the Year 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Horse of the Year 2020
Horse of the Year has arrived! The float and ute were packed to the brim, and Bex and I headed to the paddock to pick up Ira. As we drove down the hill I could see a horse tied up at the yards with a fancy rug on... I had to do a double take before I realised it was Ira in a brand new rug with his name on it! My awesome friends had got together and organised a gorgeous fleece rug from Canter for Cancer (Thanks so much Nicki!), personalised with the Para NZ logo and both mine and Ira's names on the side! How lucky are we to have such lovely ... Read more...

Wide Span Sheds Waikato Championships

Monday, February 24, 2020
Wide Span Sheds Waikato Championships

Waikato Championships Show was mine and Ira's second show together, and I was looking forward to it!

We set off for Taupo on Thursday lunchtime so we could set up camp and give Ira a good look around before arena familiarisation on Friday morning. Ira had snuggles with his big brother Dougal before a look around the indoor with Jody where we were due to ride our freestyle on Sunday - exciting!!


Please take a moment to check out my amazing sponsors websites:

Topstock International Ridir Clothing Big Red's Stable Snacks Savvy Touch Equip Outdoors Equip Outdoors Kaitlyn Perry Photography