Jodie Thorne

Para Equestrian Dressage Rider

Tauranga, New Zealand

Latest News from Jodie & Tech

JC Trailers and Eleos Trust are funding us a brand new horse float!

I can't quite believe I'm writing this...

Author: SuperUser Account/Friday, November 18, 2011/Categories: Latest News

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Thanks to the incredible support of Eleos Trust and JC Trailers, Tech and I will be travelling around NZ in style in our brand new JC11 horse float in January! I'm so excited!!!

It's been quite tricky this year organising transport to competitions around the North Island without our own float, and we haven't been able to get out and about to local shows and clinics as we would have liked to because of the restrictive cost (and organisation!) involved in hiring a horse float. It's also been hard for me to get in and out of the hired floats unassisted because of the height of the step in/no hand holds etc. From January this won't be a problem any longer!

When Judith Cunningham from JC Trailers heard about my funding application to Eleos Trust (which was orginally for a 2nd hand horse float) and my reasons for needing a float (and a customised one at that), she didn't hesitate to offer JC Trailer's full support, which means we can have a brand new, fully customised float which will be absolutely perfect for what we need! John and Judith have worked closely with Darren and I to work out exactly what I need in a float and what customisations I need so that it's totally accessible for me. John has also devised a great mounting system for me off the back of the float so I won't have to worry about mounting away from home, or have to drag the big heavy mounting block Darren built with us that takes up so much room and is really heavy to move. It's so exciting!

I feel so lucky that both Eleos Trust and JC Trailers believe in what Tech and I are doing, and have provided such amazing support that will make such a difference to our training and competing lives. It's a huge step which will make a huge impact towards our ultimate goal of competing at the 2016 Paralympics, as it means we will be able to get out and get the experience we need to take our training, learning and most importantly, our scores, higher to be in contention for a Paralympic team spot.

It's so hard to express how elated and thankful I'm feeling right now, and how much I appreciate everything that has been offered to me by the amazing people involved. All I can say is...

THANK YOU SO MUCH TO JC TRAILERS AND ELEOS TRUST, and welcome to the "Jodie & Tech family".

I hope Tech and I make you proud when we're competing for you!

My float is being built right now and should be ready in February. EXCITING!! Watch this space for updates...!

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