Jodie Thorne

Para Equestrian Dressage Rider

Tauranga, New Zealand

Latest News from Jodie & Tech

Au Revoir Techy Boy

Au Revoir Techy Boy

The end of an era...

Author: SuperUser Account/Tuesday, July 30, 2019/Categories: Latest News

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This is a post I never thought I would be writing... In May 2018 after an up and down competition season, Tech was giving me very subtle signs that he was over life as my para dressage horse. I kept this feeling to myself for a while but slowly started getting the girls to do more fun stuff with him - more hacking, some cowboy challenge stuff and some jumping (including some pony club rounds). He was in his element! As upsetting as it was, in my heart I knew that I needed to let him go and have some fun, free of the responsibility of looking after me on his back - a job which he'd done so amazingly for over 7 years. I just don't have the funds or the time to have two horses in work, and Tech certainly wasn't ready for retirement so I reluctantly put him up for sale in search of the PERFECT home. I'm so happy that he found exactly that near Wellington, where he is having a fantastic life as number 1 for his new mum, with lots of hacking, beach rides and even some working equitation thrown in!

It was incredibly hard to watch him walk onto the transporter and drive off up the hill the day he left, but I knew it was the absolute best thing for him to be able to have some fun now without the worry of me on board. I miss his gorgeous face and very cheeky personality, and the way he came running across the paddock to meet me when I whistled for him.

Techy has taken me on the most incredible journey during our time together. He took me from being a nervous rider, only riding with sidewalkers and within the confines of an arena, to improving my confidence ten fold, making my childhood dream come true of riding on the beach, and riding in the main oval at HOY! It's been the most amazing, fun 7 years and Techy has won so many fans along the way.

I want to say a huge thank you to this gorgeous boy for being my rock, looking after me so well, giving me such amazing experiences and being a major reason I've met so many great people during our time together. He put a smile on my face every second I was with him. Love you Techy Boy! xxx

It was going to be a very special horse that filled the very big shoes you left. More on the ensuing horse hunt next...

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