Jodie Thorne

Para Equestrian Dressage Rider

Tauranga, New Zealand

Latest News from Jodie & Tech

Mine and Ira’s first Championship show

Mine and Ira’s first Championship show

Author: SuperUser Account/Tuesday, November 12, 2019/Categories: Latest News

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Ira and I had a fantastic first show together at the Total Industrial Solutions / Ewen Cameron Drilling Ltd Bay of Plenty Premier League Championship Show. I couldn't have asked any more of this gorgeous boy, and I'm so proud of Ira and my whole team for getting us through it all so well!

First up was the team test on Friday. I think I had a smile on my face for the entire test - I loved every second! (even when I had a pilot error and almost missed getting to X at one point oops! I'm a wee bit rusty at competing it seems...?) The judge seemed quite happy with what he saw too and gave us 68% - which I think is my highest mark for that test ever! Ira Hayes - you are AMAZING!!

Next up was the Individual test on Saturday, which was a scorching hot day.. way too hot to have to put my body protector and show jacket on! But we geared up and headed down the centreline – with a huge smile on my face again! We had a few little mistakes in this test but still managed to score 67% so I was stoked!

Sunday was freestyle day and we were hoping to get ridden and packed up before the rain hit. But unfortunately the music truck was late so my test time was pushed back 20 minutes by the time he arrived and was set up... just in time for the rain to start! I had a tricky time getting on because my saddle was wet, so when my leg hit the saddle and I went to slide over, I got stuck because the wet saddle was too grippy and I fell forward onto Ira's neck oops! Supercrew to the rescue – catching me and pushing me back up quick smart phew! Quick warm up and into the arena we went for the first time to our music. It was SO MUCH FUN!! My music flowed, Ira did everything he was asked (including two good pirouettes!) and I nailed the timing and hit every music change perfectly. I loved it! Again – HUGE smile on my face when I came out of the arena, and an even bigger smile when my score came through – 70%!!!!!!

Thank you so much to everyone who made this weekend such a success - the show organisers, volunteers, judges and sponsors, my absolutely amazing crew for getting us through it and looking polished, and my own fantastic sponsors for making this incredible journey with Ira Hayes possible. Huge thanks to Jenny Spellman for the beautiful photos, and the biggest thanks and hugs to Rosie Richards and Jody Hartstone for making our partnership happen.

I can't wait to see how much more we can grow on our journey together...

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