Jodie Thorne

Para Equestrian Dressage Rider

Tauranga, New Zealand

Latest News from Jodie & Tech

Wide Span Sheds Waikato Championships

Wide Span Sheds Waikato Championships

Author: SuperUser Account/Monday, February 24, 2020/Categories: Latest News

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We set off for Taupo on Thursday lunchtime so we could set up camp at Waikato Champs and give Ira a good look around before arena familiarisation on Friday morning. Ira had snuggles with his big brother Dougal before a look around the indoor with Jody where we were due to ride our freestyle on Sunday - exciting!!

Friday test time came around and I rode a conservative test (didn't want any repeats of our latest trot shenanigans!) and we were going pretty well until Ira decided he had an itch he couldn't wait to scratch, so stopped dead twice to scratch his nose on his leg right in the middle of my serpentine! I lost my reins the second time eek! Supercrew to the rescue... They got me hooked back up to my reins again quick smart and on with the test we went! I'm so lucky to have such a fab crew looking after me!

Day two and Ira was a superstar playing in the middle arena of the big kids' sandpit! We had musicals going on one side of us, and lots of canter work on the other side, but he kept his focus on me like the pro he is for a lovely test The pilot just needs to take some concrete pills and let him go forward more now... hehe!

Freestyle day was Sunday and I was looking forward to riding our test inside. Ira proved the professional he is, and looked after me like a pro through our freestyle in the indoor. I enjoyed every step of it with a huge smile on my face, and we scored 67.917%!! Sooo proud of this giant dude! Couldn't have asked more of him this weekend

Thank you to all the organisers, volunteers, stewards, judges and sponsors for an awesome show that ran like clockwork. I loved catching up with our para family as always! My own awesome team of sponsors keeping Ira and I in tip top shape - thank you! My AMAZING crew - you've been absolutely awesome looking after both me and Ira for the 4 days we were away. Jody Hartstone - thank you for being both my mentor and inspiration to train and ride better Rosie Richards - a million thank yous for sharing your amazing boy with me, and finally, Ira Hayes. You legend.

Team Thorne signing out for now... until HOY in a few weeks!

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