Jodie Thorne

Para Equestrian Dressage Rider

Tauranga, New Zealand

Latest News from Jodie & Tech

A very exciting opportunity for us!

Author: SuperUser Account/Monday, May 20, 2013/Categories: Latest News

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I have some very exciting news to brighten up the start of winter... Tech and I have been selected as demo riders for the Andrew McLean clinic in Auckland this weekend! I can't begin to explain how excited I am about this opportunity... I've touched on some of the McLean methods in our training with Anna and a lesson with Manuela McLean last year, so it's incredibly exciting to be given this opportunity to work with Andrew and learn more about how we can take this further in our training.

Cara Burgess has been amazing the last couple of weeks, and has given us a rundown of the basic theories and points we need to work on to start with - I really can't wait to take things further. It feels like a fantastic tool that we can use to refine our work and Tech is responding and learning really quickly - he's a very clever cookie really (despite his best efforts to make us think otherwise sometimes!). Becky, Cara and I head off to Auckland on Friday ready for a full on weekend of learning - I'm going to be like a sponge the entire weekend and take on board everything I can. Did I mention I was a little bit excited about this? :)

Stay tuned for a write up after the weekend...

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