Jodie Thorne

Para Equestrian Dressage Rider

Tauranga, New Zealand

Latest News from Jodie & Tech

Not such a great end to our season..

I had to scratch from our final show of the year!

Author: SuperUser Account/Tuesday, May 12, 2015/Categories: Latest News

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Unfortunately our last show of the year, Rotorua Dressage Championships, was a non-starter for us after I got struck with a totally evil stomach/gastro bug on the Wednesday before the show. I was completely out of action for 4 days, not being able to eat or drink anything, so nowhere near the right circumstances to be travelling to Rotorua, camping and competing for the weekend. I was so disappointed - I've never had to scratch from an entire show before so I was totally gutted. But it was the right decision. It took a good couple of weeks for me to get back to normality and eat properly again, and my jods were a bit looser the next time I put them back on hehe!!

So despite that disappointment, I am so proud of the season we've had. Tech has gone from strength to strength, and I feel like my riding is improving too, as is my confidence which is a huge thing for any rider :) We'll just have to come back with a bang next season to make up for this show!

As soon as I was back to semi-strength (well, strong enough to get in the car and drive to the paddock!) Mum and I had a lunging session with Tech. Never mind it being the coldest day of the year so far... I wasn't going to let that stop me after not being able to get up there for a week! So I wrapped up in pretty much every jacket I owned, Mum lunged him and I decided I wanted to have a go myself lunging from my electric wheelchair. I haven't tried this before, but really wanted to have a go. It's great having such awesome crew around me doing everything so amazingly, and I truly appreciate everything they do. But sometimes I just want to do something (useful!) myself, and today this was it. Well, Tech was brilliant!! He didn't try to stop once, and was really listening to me. I fumbled a bit trying to juggle the lunge line, whip and my steering controls to keep up with him around the circle, but by the end of the 5 min session I had him walking and trotting well. Yahoo!!! I was so pleased! We've tried it again once or twice since and I'm starting to master controlling everything, even managing a canter on both reins which felt great! I love my cow pony! :)

So what else have we been up to... Lucy gave Tech a fab haircut as he was becoming his usual hairy mammoth winter self. I decided to give him a full clip for the first time this year to try and combat some of his hairy-ness later in the winter. He's doing well so far and it seems he likes his new streamlined self, because he's been feeling amazing ever since!

We had a quick trip to the beach during the school holidays which is always fun. Tech's getting much more relaxed there so hopefully I'll be able to get on him myself there soon and fulfill my childhood dream of riding my pinto pony down the beach... watch this space!

We visited Aimee and Larghie a few weeks ago and had a play with them in their arena which again, is always fun. It's so nice to have Aimee and Larghie so close and to be able to train together. Para camaraderie is fab!

That's about it really... the nights are closing in fast now and we're approaching my least favourite time of year, so making the most of the sunny, warm, dry days while we can.

Our plans for the next few months are to go to the Winter practice days and ribbon day at the Tauranga Dressage Group, and really work on the feedback from the judges this season. I've also started working on a new freestyle, with new music and a new floorplan which is always fun. I'm really loving the music I've chosen and have taken to listening to it while I'm working to really get the feel of it so I can figure out how best to use it in our routine. I can't wait to put it all together!

So that's it for now. Stay warm and dry out there everyone, and happy winter riding! xx

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