Jodie Thorne

Para Equestrian Dressage Rider

Tauranga, New Zealand

Latest News from Jodie & Tech

It’s Christmas Eve - Eve!

Santa will be loading up his sleigh ready for his big trip tomorrow night!

Author: SuperUser Account/Tuesday, December 23, 2014/Categories: Latest News

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I know I say it every time but I really can't believe where the last month has gone! Christmas has crept up on us very quickly this year - probably because we've been incredibly busy...

We did pretty well at the Tauranga Dressage Ribbon Day towards the end of November. It was Taya's first time warming up for me at a show and she did amazingly! Tech was lovely and calm and nice and responsive by the time I got on, and apart from a momentary mishap where he decided that Rachel (who was stood next to the arena taking photos) was actually really scary despite already walking past her twice with no problem, we rode a pretty nice test for 65%. I felt like it was one of the most forward, active tests I've ever ridden on him, and the judge agreed with some lovely comments about our activity and energy. Just need to work on keeping Tech a bit more together with the energy because we start to lose it a bit and he goes a bit long. But that's partly because it's rather hard for me to sit to the bigger, more active walk too, so I've been working on my fitness and position to help us out on that front! It's so much about the team work between me and my boy - that's why I love riding so much. Especially when I have such a willing partner in Tech - I love my cow pony! :)

The following Friday we set off for the North Island Champs in Taupo, but we didn't have the best start with Tech deciding he wasn't going to load onto the float (grr!) so we were very late getting to the showgrounds. We actually only arrived an hour before my ride time, so Lucy and Taya did an awesome job of getting Tech groomed and tacked up and Taya jumped on to start her warm up. It seems Tech forgot he was at a dressage show and thought he was at a rodeo - demonstrating to everyone exactly how high he could get all four feet off the ground during Taya's warm up!! Not the cow pony we all know and love... ;) The weather started to close in and the wind and rain got up, but Taya got Tech settled enough for me to get on so I figured we're all here, let's just give it a go and see what happens! We mounted off the small portable mounting block which is always a bit of a challenge, and typically today of all days I fell forward as Mum was boosting me up into the saddle, so I'm led on Tech's neck with Mum pushing me up from the left side and Chris pulling my right leg over the saddle to get me up there as I'm led helpless with a face full of Tech's mane! I imagine it was a very amusing spectacle to watch hehe, but Tech stood stock still the whole time bless him, despite his rodeo shenanigans less than 10 minutes before with Taya. He just knows when he has to behave! My fab crew got me sorted and back upright in the saddle and I had a 10 minute warm up. Just as I was about to unclip at the end of the arena, the heavens opened and the wind picked up and literally blew us sideways! Luckily Lucy still had hold of Tech on the leadrope, and Taya leapt into "emergency hold mode" on me as Tech spun around in trot. We got him settled again quickly and the bell rang, and into the arena we went, head first into the wind and rain. (There's a great photo of both Tech and I with our heads down against the elements as we rode down the centreline!) It was horrendous to be honest. My mind went blank and I started riding the wrong test, got pinged by the judge (who shouted out the window of the car where I was supposed to go as she didn't want to get out in the awful weather hehe!), I corrected ourselves and started the next move, but Tech went sideways into the hammering wind and rain. I was worried he would start trotting or spin again so I gave my fab crew around the arena edge a yell, they came in and saved me and I scratched. So not the best start to our Champs but we all survived and tomorrow was another day!

I'm pleased to say Tech was a superstar for the rest of the weekend, and we rode two good tests - even our freestyle was much better than last time with Tech more settled with the speakers so I could concentrate on actually riding the test instead of what he was looking at! We scored 64% for our Champs test and 66% for our Freestyle, and we came away with big smiles and another stack of things learned from the weekend. Huge thanks to my amazing crew (Mum, Taya and Lucy) and to everyone who stepped in to help over the weekend. I couldn't do it without you guys so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

The next week was spent working on float loading after the problems we had on the weekend, and Taya did an awesome job of taking it all back to basics and getting Tech loading calmly and consistently again using Equitation Science methods and Big Red's Stable Snacks as rewards. After just three sessions, Taya had Tech loading on and off nicely every time with no problems, so hopefully we've fixed that little issue again!

Then last week we had a lesson with Jody Hartstone which was awesome! Lucy and I shared the lesson (because I can only ride for 20 mins max), and we both learned heaps. I worked on our 8m circles and refining some of the movements in my tests, and Lucy concentrated on trot work which was awesome to watch. We both have a lot of homework to work on now until next time! Thanks heaps Jody! :)

And now it's almost Christmas Day, phew! This time last year we were nursing Tech back to health after his surgery to remove a tumor in his stifle. I have to say this year's Christmas lead up has been MUCH more enjoyable than the worry of last year! So glad Techy is still with us and has bounced back to full health so well. He's such an awesome dude even if he is a bit of a donut sometimes haha!

I would like to say a HUGE thank you to all my sponsors and supporters who have got Tech and I through this year. We've had an amazing year and we couldn't do it without your support so THANK YOU to all of you!

I hope everyone has a fantastic Christmas and New Year, and I look forward to seeing what 2015 brings us! xxx

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