Jodie Thorne

Para Equestrian Dressage Rider

Tauranga, New Zealand

Latest News from Jodie & Tech

Winter update

This winter has been all about the practice days!

Author: SuperUser Account/Thursday, August 28, 2014/Categories: Latest News

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We've had a great couple of months with the weather being relatively kind to us and being able to get in quite a lot of riding time considering it's winter.

I'm pleased to say we made it to every practice day that the Tauranga Dressage group held this winter. They're so useful in building both mine and Tech's confidence riding away from home in the competition arena. Yes they're relaxed days, but I still take my test as seriously as if it was a real competition, and want to make sure we score well.

The first practice day in June went pretty well and we scored the highest marks for our free walk and our transitions which was great. I've been working really hard on this at home. I get quite nervous pushing Tech into his big free walk because of two reasons: one I find it hard to sit to because it really swings and it's so hard for me to balance to; and two, the fingers on my left hand are quite floppy and my middle two fingers are very unresponsive, so I find it really hard to get my left rein back once I've let it out. So it's been a lot of practice on the transitions to improve my technique with the reins, get used to the bigger swing, get my body to balance to it, and get the confidence that I still have control of Tech with my reins on the longest loop! It's all paid off according to the judges marks and comments yay!

I'm not quite sure who replaced my usually quiet and sedate cow pony with a 'go-faster', full of energy version towards the end of July, but Tech was on fire for the second practice day at the end of the month! He arrived and settled in well at the racecourse, but as soon as Becky got on he wanted to go! He didn't want to stand still and looked like he was about to explode! Tech jig-jogged into the arena and Becky had a job getting him to listen to her with his eyes and ears all over the place. She did a very good job though and after some bulldozer-esque trot work and some relaxed walk work afterwards, he was finally calm enough for me to get on. Although I didn't need to carry a whip for this test! ;) He felt really forward but was listening to me so on we went and rode our test. I don't think I put my leg on or asked him forward once throughout the entire test haha! It was a really good boost for my confidence to actually get on him and ride a decent test despite the fact he was so forward and energetic. I seriously thought I was going to scratch when he was tanking around the arena with Becky in the warm up at one point! Another good experience under my belt which is what these practice days are all about. Thanks heaps to Tauranga Dressage Group for hosting these fab days and making us feel so welcome as always!

Needless to say after his performance at the practice day, I quickly halved feed quantities and stopped feeding out any hay to Mr Rocket Pants, and within a week he was back to his usual calm, more-woah-than-go self!

We had a visit from Steve at Savvy Touch in July so Tech could have a winter tune-up and I could stock up my Savvy Touch kit. One of the essentials in my Savvy kit is the Savvy Touch Eze-Breath Liquid. Tech suffers from a runny nose/allergies and snorts a lot when I ride, so we give him a shot of 'Rocket fuel' before we ride to help clear out his tubes. It's awesome stuff. I also stocked up on Skin Smoothie and the human cooling gel which has been a godsend for my aching muscles. Especially so after I fell over in the kitchen and smacked into the tiled floor so hard I jarred my back all the way up to my shoulder (once I start falling there's no stopping myself due to the lack of muscle strength everywhere!). And they say horseriding is dangerous.... ;) I was in heaps of pain and worried I would be aching for days, but I slapped the cooling gel all over my back, shoulders and hips and actually felt ok the next day! Thanks heaps Steve as always!

The weather took a turn for the worse in the middle of August and we had quite a bit of rain. Unfortunately we suspected an abcess in Tech's front foot and he was on and off lame for a week. Mum did a stirling job soaking his feet and poulticing his bad foot, and after a few days he was ok and we were back in work again. (I'm so lucky to have such an awesome Mum xx) He's feeling really good and I had an amazing ride today where he felt like a feather in my hand, and was completely in tune with me the whole time. I just love rides like that - still feeling on a high now!

I've also had an electric wheelchair on trial for the last month and it's been awesome! It's given me so much freedom around the paddock to be able to move around without the risk of falling over, and being able to help the girls out with a lot more tasks. The electric wheelchair has meant two big 'firsts' for me: I've been being able to touch Tech's lower leg and hoof for the first time ever! I can move in close to his side and lean down to run my hand down his front legs and over his foot which was very handy when we were checking for heat when we suspected an abcess. A very small thing for most but HUGE for me! The second one is being able to lead Tech on my own for the first time! He's been really good with my electric wheelchair and has taken to walking next to me in it completely in his stride. It's such a great sense of achievement! I've also had the hoist fitted into the back of my ute so transporting the chair and getting it in and out of the car is now an easy job. I'm loving it - look out Tech... I've got a big list of things I want to do with you now I'm mobile so be warned! :)

Our next show is the Ribbon Day at the racecourse with Tauranga Dressage next weekend, so we'll be busy honing our moves ready for that this next week. It will be the first time I've ridden a Para TOC class (test of choice), and fellow Tauranga para rider Aimee Prout will be competing with me with her new horse which is very exciting! Looking forward to it!

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