Jodie Thorne

Para Equestrian Dressage Rider

Tauranga, New Zealand

Latest News from Jodie & Tech

Horse of the Year 2014 - done and dusted!!

What an awesome show!

Author: SuperUser Account/Monday, March 24, 2014/Categories: Latest News

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I went into this years Horse of the Year a little apprehensive after our less than ideal build up, with our time off over December/January and then Tech pulling something in his back end hooning in the paddock the week before we left. Nice timing Techy! But my fantastic boy blew all my expectations and performed really well. Our scores weren't too far off last years scores so I'm really pleased considering how much our training has been interrupted this season. The most important thing for me is that our "activity" has improved, and the judges noticed which is always a good thing!

Becky, Tech and I arrived at the Hastings show grounds on Tuesday afternoon, and I was just as keen to get out of the car and stretch myself out as Tech was to get off the float! Luckily he's a very good traveller and doesn't move once he's in the float which makes negotiating the windy, hilly Napier-Taupo road slightly less stressful for me driving. But Becky and I were very happy to be able to unload at last after the four and a half hour drive!

Wednesday was a rest day for me while Becky gave Tech a wander around the ground to stretch his legs and see some of the sights and sounds. Tech also had a Savvy Touch session just to make sure he was in tip top condition ready for our competition. I had to have an emergency session with Savvy Steve too after I did something to my thumb which made putting any pressure on it agonising. Not good when my thumbs are my key point of balance/rein movements when I ride! Within about 5 seconds of hands-on, Steve found the ligament that I'd tweaked and soon had it pain-free again. I can't recommend Savvy Touch enough for both horse and rider! Thanks heaps Steve! I also stocked up Tech's Big Red's Stable Snacks supply in anticipation (and hope!) of rewarding lots of good behaviour hehe! Thanks heaps Angela!

Thursday I was back to full crew with the arrival of Darren, James, Thea and Lucy, so I had a warm up ride at the polo grounds. Tech was feeling good which helped me relax too! Our first test was Friday afternoon and although I rode quite conservatively being my first day, we scored our highest score of the weekend at 65%. I was stoked! I nailed the accuracy but it was quite hard work for me to keep Tech active, so we decided Becky would do less warm up the next day to leave a bit more fuel in the tank for me.

Saturday's test felt a lot more active and I came out with a big smile on my face! Tech felt a good but I unfortunately let him down with my accuracy and our circles weren't as good as they could have been, and our score reflected that at 63%. All good though, we still had one more day to get both!

I was quite nervous on Sunday for our freestyle. This test used to be my favourite test, but after a few disasters during our previous three freestyles, I was starting to dread it. Unfortunately it wasn't a great start... I fumbled my first halt aid so Tech didn't stop. I asked again; he drifted sideways so I asked again, and he halted so abruptly I fell forward onto his neck. I was so frustrated with myself! Cue my fantastic crew springing into action and within seconds they had me upright in the saddle again. I gave myself a good talking to, and restarted my test with a positive attitude, telling myself we WERE going to get through this test fine! And that we did! I was so incredibly pleased and proud of the pair of us. We even managed to get a baby leg yield off both legs which is something we've been working on but don't always get at home. I can't tell you how good that test felt. Nope, it certainly wasn't our best work (our free walk was actually pretty awful!) but that feeling I had coming out of the arena is the best yet. We've beaten our nemesis and finished a freestyle without a drama (ignoring the false start!) - such a huge achievement in my book!

We ended up scoring 64% for our Freestyle which I'm very pleased with, and have some very constructive feedback to work on from all the judges which is great. We came away with another Grade 1a Champion rug for Tech's ever-growing wardrobe, and with a lot of positive experiences under our belts. I would like to thank my amazing family and crew for getting Tech and I to where we are today, and for getting both of us through the show. It's a big, crazy week and lots of fun, but very hard work too so I really appreciate all the effort you guys put in so that Tech and I can compete. Love you guys! :)

I also want to send out a huge thank you to my fab team of sponsors for all your support throughout the year. Savvy Touch keeps Tech in tip top body shape, Big Red's Stable Snacks keeps Tech topped up with treats which he absolutely LOVES, Farmlands Te Puna takes care of Tech's NRM Low GI Sport feed supply, JLT Insurance looks after his insurance needs and keeps our camping supplies up to date with quality gear, which makes staying away at a show much more comfortable.

Last but not least, a huge thanks to everyone involved in making this year's HOY an amazing one! Looking forward to next year already!! But for now, Tech has had a couple of days off, then we'll be back into it tomorrow to prepare for our next show in just under two weeks in Rotorua. No rest for the wicked! 

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