Jodie Thorne

Para Equestrian Dressage Rider

Tauranga, New Zealand

Latest News from Jodie & Tech

New personal best at the Bay of Plenty Dressage Champs!

Yep that's right! My awesome boy put in a stirling effort for our Championships Test on Sunday to score our new PB of 74%. I'm so proud of him!

Author: SuperUser Account/Friday, November 1, 2013/Categories: Latest News

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But let's start at the beginning... hehe! I had an incredibly busy few weeks leading up to the champs with preparing our house to go up for sale. Late nights painting, sorting, tidying and squeezing in rides to prepare for the competition wasn't the best lead up to a big show, but unfortunately I didn't have much choice this time and I wasn't about to scratch! We headed down to Taupo early Saturday morning which was a first for us. Usually we arrive the day before so we can settle in, set up camp with our awesome EquipOutdoors gear, and I can recover from the drive before I ride the next day. I've never ridden a test on the same day as travelling before so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. But I figured I would see how I felt once we got there and take it from there. Tech was pretty happy coming off the float and settled into his yard quickly, and it wasn't long before Becky was tacking him up and getting on for my warm up, while Sarita was helping me get changed into my competition gear at Superman speed! As I got on Tech, both Becky and Sarita commented on how relaxed I was and in turn, how relaxed Tech was! I put a lot of pressure on myself when I compete normally, but I guess because I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to ride the first day, I hadn't put that same pressure on myself which resulted in a very relaxed warm up and the most relaxed test I've ever ridden! We scored 69.5% for our Team Test which I was absolutely stoked about - just 0.5% off my goal for that test this season and our highest ever score for that test. What a cracking start to the weekend!

Sunday's test was our Championships Test and I wanted to nail my accuracy on this one to pick our score up over the 70% mark. Tech was feeling a bit less relaxed today (probably because I was less relaxed and more into competition mode!) but I was super focused on making all our shapes as good as they could be. Well I managed it and we posted our PB of 74%! I was so happy and surprised when I got the text through with my score. I couldn't believe it! I knew I'd done pretty well with my accuracy and shapes, but Tech didn't feel quite as active and forward as he had the previous day, and he was snorting quite a bit at some points so I wasn't sure how we would fare score-wise. So to score our PB was absloutely amazing and goal one for the season already reached! (Techy got lots of Big Red's cookie treats that afternoon - clever boy!) We've set the bar high for that test now for the rest of the season... you can watch it on my YouTube channel.

Monday was freestyle day which is my favourite test. Tech always picks himself up and seems to put himself to the beat of the music, and I love our music mix - it's really fun! Tech felt great walking around the edge of the arena before our test. Very flowing, relaxed and despite the hundreds of sheep running around in the paddock across the road, he was quite focused on his job. Our music started, I smiled and into the arena we went in the most amazing power walk I've felt on him in a long time! Everything was going so well until the second half of our 10m circle when we turned to face the speakers. I'm not sure if it was the sight of the speakers or the sound of them, but something over that way completely spooked himand he jumped into trot. I had flashbacks of last year's freestyle test at BOP Champs when he did the same thing. Eeeek! I tried to get him back but with my thumbs hooked into my handlebar and my rein loops fixed, my reins went all loopy as he lifted his head up so I just had to try and use my voice to bring him back. Oh and try and sit to the trot! It wasn't working so Becky had to jump in and catch him for me, but in doing so he lurched sideways and I nearly came out the side door! Thank goodness for my handlebar and my right hand that has pretty good grip. That's all that saved me from hitting the deck! Thankfully the music guy turned the music off and that seemed to help calm him down. Becky and Sarita repositioned me in the saddle and we re-started the test with the music lower this time (and my legs shaking!). I rode really conservatively this time and I think our first 10m circle was the slowest I've ever done but I was determined to get round it this time without drama. We did it, and we carried onto the corner ready to turn up the centreline, and Tech spotted the speakers again and slammed on the emergency brakes which sent my flying forward onto his neck. Cue rescue number two! By this point my stubborn streak kicked in and I was determined to get through the test whatever it took. I was totally off my music and over time but I was determined to finish this test by hook or by crook. And that I did! I don't think I've ever felt so relieved to have a test finished in my life, although very proud too that I made it through despite the dramas and the option of retiring at many points! For some heart-in-the-mouth viewing, watch my test on YouTube. I was shaking like a leaf when I got off and promptly got a hot chocolate dropped into my hands to warm up and get some sugar inside me. I have a fantastic crew who think of everything! Poor Becky & Sarita had double heart attacks during that test but they jumped into action like a well oiled machine and saved me, and most importantly got both me and Tech through it unscathed which is such a confidence boost for me to know I have that support on the sidelines (literally!) when I'm in the arena. Love you guys - thanks so much!!

We ended the weekend with two firsts (team and champs tests) and a second (freestyle) for overall Grade 1 Reserve Champion. I'm so pleased with all the feedback from the judges on our test sheets. There are some lovely comments, some fab scores and very clear ideas of what we need to work on next to get us to the next level. I'm also really pleased that our hard work over winter has paid off in dividends and I can see the huge progress we've made over the last 6 months. It's really exciting to see how much further we can go in the next 6 months and beyond!

Thanks so much to everyone involved in the Bay of Plenty Dressage Champs and the Para Memorial Show. It was a fantastic weekend, well run and was great to catch up with everyone again. And huge thanks to my amazing crew and my fab team of sponsors who have got us this far. Tech and I couldn't do it without you!

Tech had his Savvy Touch treatment on Tuesday (and I stocked up on Savvy Touch shampoo and mane/tail detangler while Steve was here!) so he's all supple and ready to carry on with my training plans for him. We've got a busy few weeks ahead with our 3rd lesson of the year with Manu McLean, and also our first lesson with Mary Robins too while she's in town at the end of November. Very excited to see how we can improve ourselves again after those two amazing minds and huge wealth of knowledge. I have firm plans to get Tech and I up into the 70%'s this season and I'll do everything I can to meet that target!

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