Jodie Thorne

Para Equestrian Dressage Rider

Tauranga, New Zealand

Latest News from Jodie & Tech

The start of the season is almost here...

Author: SuperUser Account/Thursday, September 26, 2013/Categories: Latest News

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Wow - the last month has flown by and the start of the season is creeping up on us fast! We had a busy start to September with the Tauranga Dressage practice day on the first weekend. It's always quite nerve-wracking for me to ride at the racecourse because for some reason, Tech is always wired when we're there. There's something there that sets him off every time. He doesn't like the golfers in the distance, and if the horse walker starts up over by the stables then he's frozen into the corner of his pen fixated on that the whole time! But hey ho - we have to get over this and ride there anyway. It's character building for all of us, especially with the wind whipping up by the hour!

Becky did a great job warming Tech up for me, despite him being very full on for her the entire time she was on. I would usually have chickened out of riding with him being that hyped up and it being so so windy (especially after our last wind-powered test episode at BOP Champs last year!). But I decided I needed to get over myself and get my bum in the saddle. I had six fab friends dotted around the arena ready to jump in to help if I needed it. And after all, I trust my boy and know he would do everything he could to look after me... and that he did. I got on, rode a few circles and tested my brakes (with sidewalkers close by just in case!), did a lap around the arena and everything felt good. The judges bell rang and in we went, just as a huge gust of wind blew in from the left. Needless to say my centreline wasn't particularly straight, but I was really happy with the rest of the test. Especially when I found out that the entire time I was riding, there were 3 horses going crazy in the paddock across the road, charging around and bucking the whole time I was riding! I hadn't noticed any of that - my focus was totally on me, Tech and our test, although I now know why we lost left flexion around the top end of the arena where the charging horses were!

We had some good comments from the judge and some great tips and advice to keep us going in the right direction. Thanks heaps to everyone who helped out on the day - I couldn't have done it without you!

A few days later we had a lesson with Manu McLean. Wow wow WOW!!!! Another amazingly inspirational 45 minutes, with Becky and I sharing the lesson (because I can only ride for 20 mins). We focused on my position this time. I tend to lean back when I ride to keep my balance (due to my trunk weakness) which in turn stops Tech from walking out as well as he can. So after we got my position straight ("front to back!" - our new favourite saying), I had to keep it there throughout all of the other exercises we did; straightness, picking up Tech's walk, and keeping it through the circles which I find quite difficult at the moment. He felt absolutely amazing when I got it right! Although my back was absolutely killing for the next four days so I may have overdone it a bit. At least I knew I was putting in the effort required! Will build it up slowly now hehe!

Becky had the rest of the lesson and worked on some more exercises she can do with Tech to work on his flexion and paces, while Sarita filmed it all so we have something to refer to until Manu's next visit. We've got lots of homework and it's great that we have the three of us to watch each other when we ride so we can all work on the elements we need to. Sarita and Becky have been very tough on me - hollering at me when I start leaning back or start flapping my legs around - which is exactly what I need! Love you guys! I feel so lucky to have such a fantastic team supporting me and getting both Tech and I to the next level. Couldn't do it without you guys!

We had a fun day at the RDA arena last weekend working on everything from Manu's lesson, and Mum even got back in the saddle for the first time in over a year which is awesome! Tech was a star and looked after her very well. We're heading up again next weekend so I can run through my freestyle and tweak the music, then we'll be working towards our first competition of the season - the Para Memorial Show at the BOP Champs in Taupo on Labour weekend. (If this crazy wet weather lets up and the paddocks dry out so we can ride...) Can't wait to get back in action again with my Techy Boy, my fab crew and my awesome sponsors! Bring it on!!!

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